The high cost of both players and discs was the main reason for its ultimate demise. The format struggled to gain wide acceptance in the consumer market, and Pioneer became the chief sponsor of the format when MCA, and later Philips, withdrew their support for it.

Finally, Japan's Pioneer Electronic Corporation trademarked it as LaserDisc, the name by which it is perhaps best known. It was renamed several times, as VLP, Laservision, and CD Video. Developed by MCA and Philips of the Netherlands, it utilizes an optical reflective system read by a laser beam. The DiscoVision system was released in America in 1978. The system was abandoned in January 1980 in favor of JVC's VHD system. A later incarnation of the system uses 9-inch discs in caddies capable of storing 75 minutes per side. Discs can be recorded in either a 30-minute-per-side format, or a 60-minute-per-side-format. The 12-inch vinyl disc is spun at 500 rpm with each revolution holding three frames of color video, with a total of up to an hour of video on each side of the disc. Visc is a mechanical video disc system developed in Japan by Matsushita subsidiary National Panasonic in 1978. It has a capacity of 54,000 frames, with a running time of 30 minutes for the NTSC color standard or 36 minutes for PAL/SECAM. Each frame is recorded as a 1mm diameter hologram on a 305mm disc, while a laser beam reads out the hologram from three angles. In 1975, Hitachi introduced a video disc system in which chrominance, luminance and sound information are encoded holographically. The same year, Sony announced a video disc recorder, similar to the Sony Mavica format. In 1973, Hitachi announced a video disc capable of recording 15-colour still images on a disc. In Japan, the TOSBAC computer was using digital video disks to display color pictures at 256x256 image resolution in 1972. The 12-inch discs have a capacity of about eight minutes however, it was abandoned in favor of VHS by its parent company. The Television Electronic Disc, a mechanical system, was rolled out in Germany and Austria in 1970 by Telefunken. The system uses a standard record player, and builds the picture up slowly. Westinghouse Electric Corporation developed a system in 1965 called Phonovid, that allows for the playback of 400 stored still images, along with 40 minutes of sound.
It has similarities with the tape based Electronic Video Recording system, which was released for professional use. It appears a working system was never produced. This was intended to be synchronously combined with playback from a vinyl record.

Toulon, a French inventor working at Westinghouse Electric during the 1950s and 1960s patented a system in 1952 (US Patent 3198880) which uses a slow spinning disc with a spiral track of photographically 1.5 millimeter wide recorded frames, along with a flying spot scanner, which sweeps over them to produce a video image. John Logie Baird, created the Phonovision system in the early 1930s, which mechanically produces about four frames per second. The system was marketed as the Urban Spirograph by Charles Urban, and discs were produced - but it soon disappeared. Played back at 16 frames per second, a disk provides around one and a quarter minutes of material. Theodore Brown patented in 1907 (UK patent GB190714493) a photographic disk system of recording approximately 1,200 images in a spiral of pictures on a 10-inch disk. When played back at 16 frames per second, it would give a running time of 13 seconds. Į & H T Anthony, a camera maker based in New York, marketed in 1898 a combination motion picture camera and projector called "The Spiral" that could capture 200 images arranged in a spiral on an 8-inch diameter glass plate. Įadweard Muybridge used his zoopraxiscope to project chronophotographic pictures on a glass disc in 1893. Georges Demeny on 3 March 1892 patented a 'phonoscope', designed in 1891, that can project chronophotographic pictures on a glass disc. Typically, it is a reference to any such media that predates the mainstream popularity of the DVD format. Videodisc (or video disc) is a general term for a laser- or stylus-readable random-access disc that contains both audio and analog video signals recorded in an analog form.